IceCure’s ProSense® Delivers 100% Success Rate in Breakthrough Cryoablation Study, Paving the Way for Non-Surgical Breast Cancer Treatment

IceCure Medical Ltd has announced a landmark achievement with its ProSense® cryoablation system, as detailed in a recent study published in the British Journal of Radiology. The study, conducted at Hospital Lucus Augusti in Lugo, Spain, demonstrates a 100% complete ablation rate for luminal A and B breast cancer tumors ≤ 25mm after a median follow-up of 16 months. This independent research underscores ProSense® as a highly effective and safe alternative to surgical tumor removal, particularly for patients who opt out of surgery.

The study led by Dr. Lucia L. Garna Lopez, involved 45 patients, 95.6% of whom chose cryoablation over traditional surgery. Of the 36 patients treated, 39 malignant tumors were successfully ablated with no major complications reported. This highlights cryoablation’s potential as a well-tolerated outpatient procedure with significant benefits for elderly patients, who were primarily included in the study.

Eyal Shamir, CEO of IceCure, commented, “The overwhelming preference for cryoablation among patients who opted out of surgery underscores its role as a viable alternative in breast cancer treatment. The study validates ProSense®’s efficacy and safety, particularly for an aging population where traditional surgery might pose higher risks.”

The results of this study align with the increasing demand for minimally invasive treatment options that offer both efficacy and enhanced patient comfort. ProSense® provides a compelling alternative, combining advanced cryoablation technology with ease of use in various clinical settings, making it a valuable tool for oncologists and a promising option for patients.

Editorial Opinion:

IceCure Medical’s ProSense® system represents a significant advancement in the field of breast cancer treatment. The 100% success rate reported in the recent study not only validates the technology’s effectiveness but also highlights the growing need for non-surgical alternatives that are both effective and patient-friendly. The ability of ProSense® to deliver complete tumor ablation without major complications presents a substantial leap forward in how early-stage breast cancer can be managed.

As the healthcare industry continues to evolve, solutions like ProSense® that offer minimally invasive options while addressing the specific needs of aging populations will become increasingly important. IceCure’s innovative approach not only enhances treatment outcomes but also aligns with broader trends towards personalized and less invasive medical interventions. The positive results from this study could pave the way for broader adoption and further research, potentially transforming standard practices in breast cancer treatment.

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