Valneva’s Breakthrough: Canada Approves World’s First Chikungunya Vaccine

Valneva SE has achieved a historic milestone with Health Canada’s approval of the world’s first chikungunya vaccine. Following its successful launch in the U.S. and pending European authorization, this decision underscores IXCHIQ®’s pivotal role in global healthcare strategy.

Chikungunya, a mosquito-borne virus causing severe joint pain and fever, poses a significant public health threat with outbreaks reported in over 110 countries. Valneva’s single-dose vaccine demonstrated an impressive 98.9% immune response rate in clinical trials published in The Lancet, offering a critical breakthrough in disease prevention.

Juan Carlos Jaramillo, M.D., Valneva’s Chief Medical Officer, highlighted the urgency of combating chikungunya amidst climate-driven mosquito proliferation: “IXCHIQ® represents a vital tool in our arsenal against emerging infectious diseases, supporting global efforts to protect vulnerable populations.”

Valneva plans to introduce IXCHIQ® to the Canadian market by the fourth quarter of 2024, extending its reach through partnerships with CEPI and Instituto Butantan in Brazil. Dr. Richard Hatchett, CEO of CEPI, emphasized the vaccine’s pivotal role: “Health Canada’s approval marks a significant advancement in global health security, particularly in regions disproportionately affected by chikungunya.”

As Valneva continues to navigate regulatory processes in Brazil and expand its vaccine portfolio to address global health challenges, the company remains committed to advancing innovative solutions that safeguard public health.


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