Better Juice Unveils Breakthrough in Sugar Reduction for Sorbets and Fruit Ice Creams

Better Juice, Ltd., a pioneering foodTech company, has introduced a game-changing innovation aimed at revolutionizing the sorbet and fruit ice cream market. Leveraging their advanced enzymatic technology, Better Juice has successfully reduced the sugar content in fruit sorbets by up to 70%, offering health-conscious consumers a guilt-free option for indulgence.

The launch marks a significant milestone for Better Juice as it expands its footprint in the health-oriented food sector. By adapting their patented enzymatic process, the company has tackled the challenge of high sugar levels inherent in traditional sorbets, transforming them into lower-calorie, lower-glycemic index treats without compromising on taste.

“Sorbets, often perceived as a refreshing and natural treat, have historically contained high sugar levels from fruit concentrates,” explained Gali Yarom, co-founder and CEO of Better Juice. “Our innovative technology now allows us to reduce sugar content while maintaining the authentic fruity flavors that consumers love.”

Better Juice’s enzymatic approach utilizes non-GMO microorganisms to convert sucrose, glucose, and fructose in fruit juices into prebiotic oligosaccharides and other non-digestible fibers. This breakthrough not only enhances the nutritional profile of sorbets but also aligns with consumer preferences for healthier alternatives in the food industry.

Eran Blachinsky, PhD, co-founder and CTO of Better Juice, emphasized the versatility of their technology beyond sorbets: “We are exploring applications in various products containing real fruit components, including jams and fruit roll-ups. This positions Better Juice at the forefront of innovation in reducing sugar content across multiple food categories.”

The company’s recent achievement builds upon its strategic partnerships and milestones, including a collaboration with Ingredion Incorporated (NYSE: INGR), a global leader in specialty ingredients. Ingredion Ventures’ lead in Better Juice’s Series A funding underscores confidence in the scalability and impact of their sugar-reduction solution.

As Better Juice continues to expand its technological capabilities and market reach, it aims to address global demand for healthier food options without compromising taste or quality. The company’s commitment to innovation and sustainability aligns with evolving consumer trends towards mindful eating and wellness.

Our View:

Better Juice exemplifies the convergence of cutting-edge technology with consumer health priorities, paving the way for a future where delicious treats can also be nutritious. With their proven track record in enzymatic sugar reduction and strategic alliances in place, Better Juice is well-positioned to lead the charge in transforming the food industry towards healthier offerings. As they expand into new markets and product categories, including potential applications in jams and beyond, Better Juice demonstrates not only technological prowess but also a deep understanding of market demands and consumer preferences. Investors and consumers alike can look forward to continued innovation and positive impact from Better Juice as they redefine the boundaries of healthier indulgence.

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