Saudi Arabia Surpasses China as Leading Emerging-Market Bond Issuer

In a significant shift of financial tides, Saudi Arabia has emerged as the foremost issuer of international debt among emerging markets, displacing China from its long-held position. This milestone marks the culmination of the kingdom’s accelerated global borrowing campaign, bolstered by investor confidence in Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s transformative Vision 2030 initiative.

Data from this year’s bond sales reveal Saudi Arabia’s issuance has surged to unprecedented levels, exceeding $33 billion thus far. This surge, representing an 8% increase, underscores Riyadh’s robust drive to fund expansive infrastructure projects aimed at diversifying the economy away from oil dependency.

Apostolos Bantis, managing director of fixed-income advisory at Union Bancaire Privee Ubp SA in Zurich, commented, “Sentiment for Saudi bonds is very healthy. It’s not a surprise that the Kingdom has become the largest EM bond issuer given its large funding needs for large infrastructure projects.”

The strategic pivot towards increased borrowing aligns with Saudi Arabia’s quest to bridge its fiscal gap, projected at approximately $21 billion this year. This move comes

amidst a backdrop of lower-than-expected foreign direct investment and reduced oil revenues due to global supply constraints. By leveraging the bond market on such a scale, Saudi Arabia aims to bolster its financial resources to accelerate the ambitious Vision 2030 agenda.

The Kingdom’s fiscal strategy has not gone unnoticed by market analysts. Barclays Plc recently downgraded Saudi Arabia’s sovereign credit, citing concerns over recurrent bond issuances, fluctuating oil prices, and regional geopolitical tensions. However, the overall sentiment remains positive as global investors seek higher yields in emerging-market bonds amidst declining borrowing costs.

In contrast, China, which had dominated international bond markets for over a decade, has seen a stark decline in its issuance this year. Chinese entities, including the China Development Bank and corporate giants, have collectively issued $23.3 billion in dollar- and euro-denominated bonds, marking a significant 68% drop from previous years. This shift reflects a strategic pivot towards local-currency debt issuance amid record-low borrowing costs domestically.

The broader emerging-market landscape has witnessed a robust 28% increase in international bond sales compared to last year, reaching $291 billion, buoyed by attractive yield differentials relative to US Treasuries. This surge underscores investors’ appetite for higher returns amidst global economic uncertainties.

As Saudi Arabia consolidates its position as the primary issuer of emerging-market bonds, the implications for global finance are profound. The kingdom’s proactive approach to financing its transformational agenda through global debt markets underscores its commitment to economic diversification and regional leadership.

In summary, Saudi Arabia’s ascendancy in international bond issuance marks a pivotal moment in global finance, reflecting broader shifts in economic strategies amidst evolving market dynamics and geopolitical landscapes. Source: Bloomberg!


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